Listing Concierge combines an innovative yet simple-to-use, first-of-its-kind real estate marketing platform fueled by a dedicated, experienced, and professional service team committed to helping every agent shine.
By providing a comprehensive marketing plan for listings—that is seamlessly executed and reaches consumers across all spectrums—Listing Concierge helps agents win more listings, prove their value proposition and turn one listing into three…with just mere minutes of their time.
Listing Concierge gives agents an edge and the ability to affordably and powerfully market themselves and their listings in a way that has never been done before—and in a fraction of the time.
Listing concierge makes impressing clients a breeze. Agents can attend a listing appointment prepared to offer a slew of marketing activities. It makes the agent look good and most importantly, makes clients happy.
When showing a client how invested you are in providing top-notch marketing for their home, they are less likely to haggle over your commission. Our Agents see less negotiation from clients as they trust that a professional is taking over marketing their home.
The cost of photos, brochures, and mailers add up! Our Listing Concierge packages offer several tiers of marketing materials, completely customizable for your listings. The pricing is far below what it would cost to reproduce everything on your own.
No need to have your own marketing staff on hand! All the Coldwell Banker resources are behind you with Listing Concierge. Agents spend less time on marketing, ordering, and customizing listing materials. Our program produces specialized pieces that are delivered in 48 hrs.
Produce quality marketing materials
We take pride in providing high-quality materials to our agents. Our impressive marketing is above and beyond what other companies offer.
2700 Canyon Blvd. Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80302
O: (303) 449-5000 | C: (303) 413-2366